Choose Your Path

You get to design your path, and you do not have to do it alone. Sunni mentors people in proactively, creating their world. Yep, you can {create} your life, your career/business, relationships and even your relationship to your Self. Click below to choose your path.

Play with Others

Community, Workshops + Classes

Play with Sunni

1:1 Mentorship

Play in Business

Coaching and Consulting

Explore a conscious lifestyle.

Join The Meadow, a nourishing, diverse community of seekers, just like you.

Success Stories

Here's what real {awesome} people say about me and the spaces I create.


Spiritual Medium

I love working with Sunni, her way of looking at me assumes that I’m capable of such amazing things, such growth, that it inspires me to see it as possible as well. She ignites a fire inside me that has me get into action.




Somehow, within minutes of our meeting, Sunni tapped into something. She helped me eliminate old beliefs and patterns and define a path to true, lasting abundance for myself, my family and our business.




Working with Sunni, you will get to where you need to go. It will probably be a little scary, it will be rewarding, it will be engaging, fun, and … it's life changing.



Hair Stylist

Sunni holds space for others to discover themselves. Her style is gentle, I’ve always felt supported and inspired by her vulnerability and honesty.



Software Sales Rep

Sunni cut through all the noise, allowing me to identify what is most important to me. Thanks to the clarity I found I’m no longer second-guessing myself!




Working with Sunni is like tapping into a non-judgemental, kind, yet unfailingly honest and insightful human super brain. I highly recommend her!

Tools + Support

The things I find myself suggesting to clients the most frequently

5 Core Tenets

These 5 core tenets aren't just ideas I believe in. They are values I live, questions I return to, and commitments I carry into every room, every call, and every offering I create.

On the dis-ease of Busy

It seems like “successful” people are always Busy. Always doing things. What if we prioritized how we feel instead of what we do?

Not ready to dive in yet?

I get it, we're just getting to know each other, we can take it slow. Use the form to receive occasional emails full of resources, inspiration and guidance to support those who want to design their own path toward a Choice Driven Life.

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