Over the past 25+ years, I’ve worked across the worlds of corporate strategy, personal development, and spiritual mentorship. My resume includes certifications in emotional intelligence, project management, and energy healing. I’ve helped scale businesses, led nonprofits, supported individuals through deep transformation, and built spaces that hold both strategy and soul.
But what anchors it all—what weaves together this unconventional mix of experience—are five core tenets. These aren’t just ideas I believe in. They are values I live, questions I return to, and commitments I carry into every room, every call, and every offering I create.

1. Choice & Personal Agency
You always have a choice.
Success, contentment, joy, and ease aren’t things you fall into—they’re things you create through small, intentional decisions every day. Whether you’re navigating burnout, leadership, or your own inner landscape, reclaiming your agency is where it all begins.
Even in the hardest moments, we still have choice—and learning to notice our choices is a radical act.
2. Practice Over Perfection
Growth doesn’t come from getting it right. It comes from staying engaged.
We don’t practice because we’re broken. We practice because we’re alive. A practice isn’t something you “get right”, it’s a way of returning to the same thing, over and over again, with presence. Whether you’re building a morning ritual, a leadership rhythm, or a new way of relating to yourself, it’s the showing up that shapes you.
There is no destination called “perfect.”
3. It All Starts with Noticing
Before we change anything, we have to be present with it.
Noticing is the first step to transformation. We can’t shift what we don’t see—and our culture often teaches us to rush to solutions or avoid discomfort. But when we slow down and observe our thoughts, habits, relationships, and patterns, we create space for real change to begin.
Continually building your noticing muscle is ultimately the practice. Because presence is a practice, not a personality trait.
4. Balance: The Art of Yes, And
Our culture loves a binary view and often has us feel pressure to choose between head and heart, flow and structure. We are presented with two extremes as if we must choose one to embody.
One extreme is about hustle, structure, and momentum. It’s the part of us that builds, executes, and gets things done. It’s associated with logic and analysis. Sometimes called Yang, Masculine, Directive, or Solar energy.
The other extreme is about receiving, trusting, and allowing. It’s the part of us that listens, aligns, and magnetizes. It’s associated with visioning, heart, and emotions. Sometimes called Yin, Feminine, Adaptive, or Lunar energy.
Real momentum comes from integrating both. When we move between these energies with intention, we stop forcing what needs time to unfold and stop waiting when what’s needed is action.
5. Transformation Takes Time
Forget quick fixes. Real, lasting change takes time, patience, and engagement.
We live in a world that wants instant results. But real transformation? It unfolds in layers. It comes from repeated inquiry, sustained presence, and the willingness to grow slowly. It starts within (involution) before it expresses outwardly (evolution).
You don’t need to “find yourself”—you are here, right now. You may just need help remembering.
These tenets aren’t theoretical. They show up in my client sessions, in the design of The Meadow, in how I facilitate workshops, and in how I move through my own life. If we get the chance to work together, know that these are the roots.
Whether you’re here to grow a business or reconnect to yourself, I’ll meet you in a space where choice is sacred, presence is practiced, and magic lives right alongside metrics.
That’s the work. That’s the invitation.