Monthly Workshop Series

As part of our Conscious Living Series you will find a monthly workshop, each exploring a different topic, pulling on the thread of a different aspect and consideration for how to navigate life consciously.

Explore the upcoming topics and register for those that intrigue you.

Note: Those who subscribe to The Meadow receive 50% off. If this is you, be sure to check the Resource Library within The Meadow for the discount code before you register.

Crafting Intention 8-week Journey

Crafting Intention is a journey of self-discovery that will have you design your life for the coming year from a grounded, generative place that is heart and soul driven. Through the 8-week exploration you will be offered support and structure to keep you engaged, balanced with fluidity and spaciousness to navigate the process on your own terms.

This is an annual event and it begins October 21st, 2024.