When you reach a point of
– exhaustion
– burnout
– life is moving too fast
– there’s never enough time
– everyone and everything is disconnected
it’s natural to start seeking advice.
The challenge is that when life is this overwhelming you don’t have the mental space to weed out who is and who isn’t qualified to give advice. This is when it starts to feel noisy and decision paralysis can creep in.

You can get lost in your own life.
I know because I did.
I built a ‘dream’ life. I was married, in a thriving corporate career, living in a nice house, in the ‘right’ zipcode, with the freedom to travel internationally and access to both a plane and a yacht. Checking a lot of boxes, right?
The challenge was, that I built all of that out of obligation and as a result of reactions. My identity had become so wrapped up in my status that I felt lost, lonely and exhausted.
In the fall of 2009, I sat down with my spouse, evaluated our desires, and determined that divorce was the healthiest path for us both.
Since then I’ve slowly built a muscle around defining my own path, designing my life, and developing a deep, unshakable relationship with myself and confidence in my intuition and decision-making.
It’s pretty juicy, by the way – my life.
Here’s the thing, I’m not going to promise to teach you the steps to do this because I can’t. My journey was just that, mine. What I will say is that I believe you have your own unique path and I’d be honored to be your guide and mentor as you attempt to define it for yourself and help you find some clarity.
I know, right now this isn’t clear.
You’re likely thinking, great – but how?
Moving forward with clarity requires that you first take a step back, and look at your life from a new lens, a fresh perspective. So that is where I start, with a step back and the offer of a fresh perspective through a Life Assessment.
The Life Assessment starts with scheduling a 45-minute call with me.
Then you complete a 15-minute online questionnaire, designed to help you look the whole landscape of your life.
During our call, I will provide you with a new perspective and customized recommendations.
After you complete the Assessment you will :
- Be inspired
- Have renewed clarity
- Be ready to get into action (which, by the way, breeds more clarity)
All this for just $25
While I wish it weren’t so, there is no magic bullet. The steps that lead me to having the life of my dreams won’t work for you because you are an individual. You have a beautifully unique set of experiences, a specific combination of knowledge and skills. Not to mention, my dream life is going to be very different than yours.
To fully support you and guide you to clarity and defining your own path, designing your own dream life.
I know we’re all seeking a quick fix. I can’t help you there, sadly. You’ll never see me offer a quick fix course or one-size-fits-all solutions. I always recommend people start with the Life Assessment as it allows me to get to know you and have a conversation tailored to your needs and circumstances.

By the way, I’m Sunni. As an Intuitive Strategist, I bring to the table over 25 years of experience in guiding people in designing strategies for success. While I have all sorts of certifications (if that’s your jam), I primarily pull from my rich life experience.
I’ve been called a mentor, a coach, an advisor, a teacher and – most recently – a manifestation sorceress. I incorporate spiritual concepts (witchy, woo-woo, mystical Christianity) into all that I do.
This opportunity is only twenty-five bucks and while I may suggest that we work together, my commitment is that you will experience zero pressure to invest further with me, there will be no tricking you into buying something. I only work with folks when it’s a hell yes for us both.
Take your Life Assessment, let’s have a conversation and see what sort of clarity you can gain for yourself and your life.