As you move through life it’s super easy to get swept up in the day to day of life, responding to the world around you. Somehow you lose touch and find yourself with no clear path through life, unaware of the choices you make day to day, you’re on auto-pilot.

Our classes are designed to help you remember who you are and discover your path through life so that you are running your life, it isn’t running you.

Symptoms that you’ve lost control of your life include:

  • Constant feeling of being ‘too busy’ or overwhelmed
  • Experience of guilt or pressure to please others
  • Private feelings of inadequacy
  • Never enough time for yourself
  • Often feels like you’re “faking it until you make it” in life
  • People assume you have it all together, but you know you’re actually a hot mess
  • Somewhere you lost track of your dreams, maybe even forget what they were

If you want to broaden your perspective, think outside the box and live with intentionality, these classes are designed for you!

The Exper-I-ment – Become a scientist on a mission to find yourself in this 7 day challenge as you reconnect.

Tools for Life – Add 6 tools to your metaphysical tool belt, each supporting you in noticing where life offers you choices.

Seasonal Living Guide – Renew your connection to the planet and the blueprint for life offered in the seasons.

These classes have helped me nourish curiosity in myself in surprising ways. The way the material is presented and the exercises offered have allowed me to digest and apply the concepts immediately and in really impactful ways.


All classes are available through The Meadow

The Meadow is a community space, separate from the drama of social media, where learning, curiosity, support and integration occur.

With your subscription to The Meadow you’ll gain access to:

  • On-demand Classes
  • Chat Threads
  • Workshops + Gatherings
  • Replays of past events
  • Resource library
  • Community + Connection

You’ll have a gaggle of badasses in your corner who will champion your goals and highest vision for your life while empowering your gorgeous humanity to step up to the challenge. We’ll see you – the real you you’ve always been and the blossoming you yet to emerge.

Join The Meadow today to gain access to classes and so much more.