Doses of Joy
Investing energy in causing joy for yourself . Give yourself a dose of joy on a regular basis.
Investing energy in causing joy for yourself . Give yourself a dose of joy on a regular basis.
Knowing and loving yourself is an important step in adulting. Spend a few minutes to find something in your world worthy of wonder.
For someone who is a Type A personality, faith, trust, and intuition can be really challenging concepts to wrap your mind around. I am an Intuitive Strategist. My specialty is Read more…
These 5 core tenets aren’t just ideas I believe in. They are values I live, questions I return to, and commitments I carry into every room, every call, and every offering I create.
Stress is linked to over stimulation, lack of direction and a manufactured sense of urgency. These are all things we can address.
It seems like “successful” people are always Busy. Always doing things. What if we prioritized how we feel instead of what we do?
So much of what you want in life is on the other side of one scary moment. Don’t let anxiety, fear or risk resistance stop you from achieving your dreams.
I’m just going to come out and say it… Sometimes, in some ways, the holidays are hard. Sure it’s a time for family, faith, community and giving. They can be warm Read more…
I’ve been exploring the power available in embracing the role of Victim. Yep, you read that right. My first exposure to the Victim/Victor conversation was at about 19 years old Read more…
Over the summer of 2019 I dealt with the worst bout of depression I’ve had in a decade. I’m sharing in hopes of breaking down the taboo around mental health. I’m a badass, and I deal with depression. If I can be both, so can you.
The cross country road trip was one of many adventures the silvery sporty sedan.
In my opinion, someone self-selecting the word that represents their identity in conversation isn’t that weird, but since most people don’t rename themselves, let’s unpack that a bit.